goldfish small


the goldfish is a fresh water aquarium fish and it is one of the most popular aquarium fish

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goldfish small

the goldfish is a fresh water fish in the family cyprinidae they are native to eastern asia they are related to carp they have different body shapes and colour you can put them with comed ,butterfly,sevenky,injil,tetra,koi it is a common indoor aquarium fish as a pet & the goldfish is one of the most popular aquarium fish they have many colours such as white,orange,black,red,yellow,brown and so on we have small , medium & big size small eat specially flakes and big  they eat sticks the it is species of domestic fish it is best known for bright colours and patterns they are moving slow they prefer to eat aquatic vegetirian  you can decorate at your home with any live fish if you have big tank you can put many fish and if you have small tank you can put small fish or you can mix all size they do not fight they have good behaviour this is a pet market in kuwait we provide pet,pet accessories ,pet food such as live fish,live birds ,fish food,fish accessories ,birds food,birds accessories ,cat accessories, cat food we are providing all pet & pet accessories like we have more live fish 

if you interested buy any pet item you can visit our website


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